We would like to point out that the Japanese Post still has significant restrictions on shipping due to COVID-19.

Before making a payment, please check if there are any restrictions in the country where you want to receive your order.

Unfortunately, it is a bit complicated, but we have no other option given the circumstances.

You can check at this web address, which is constantly being updated:

The fields to check are in the "Letter-Post" column.

1. If your destination is marked with a in correspondence with "AIR" you can order from our site by selecting the "Air mail" option under shipment.

2. If your destination is marked with a X in correspondence with "AIR" but has a mark for "SURFACE," you can order from our site by selecting the "Surface mail" option.
3. However, if there is a * mark in correspondence with "AIR" you will have to consult a further table:

Look under postal items of Ordinary mail for "PRINTED MATTER".

4. If both "AIR" and "SURFACE" are marked with a X, unfortunately we cannot ship to that destination...

Be aware that surface shipping may need up to 3 months to reach your destination.

On any shipping the tracking option is not included. This is a choice that we made to contain the shipping cost, if you wish to have a tracking option, please contact us.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you in any way we can.